December 6, 2007

December 6, 2007

Dear Fifth Grade Parents,

Tonight is the big Christmas program! The students sound great and I look forward to seeing them all dressed up for the occasion. Please have them report to 5A at 6:30pm. The following is the curriculum update for the upcoming week.

Advent Prayer Service by 5A tomorrow @ 8:30!

Next week we will be reviewing Bible readings of the Birth of Christ. We will also spend classtime doing a service project for the homeless. We will be making Polar Fleece Pillows on Mondaythe 17th from 12:45 – 2:45.

Faith Family: Cards for prayer partners are due on 12/17. If you are leaving and will not be here that week, please turn it in before you leave. This will be a grade for Religion class.

Monday: Lesson 44, Measuring with a Ruler
Tuesday: Lesson 45, Classifying Quadrilaterals
Wednesday: Test #8
Thursday: Lesson 46, Stories about a Fraction of a Group

Social Studies
This week we have begun studying Chapter 6, Early English Settlements. In this Chapter we will be learning about the settlements of Roanoke, Jamestown and Plymouth. Students will be preparing “Act it Outs” in class this week. They will be performing on Friday. Tests on this chapter will be after the New Year due to our Service project.

Students are learning how land and water affect climate and how natural events affect climate. Students will learn what global warming is and how to reduce global warming by reducing the amount of greenhouse gases added to the atmosphere. Students will take a test on Chapter 3 next Wednesday (12/12).

As 5th graders finish reading Hatchet, they will use newly acquired technology skills in Excel to create a timeline of the events. This will be started in the Computer Lab with Mrs. Smith and finished using the laptops during Reading class. This activity will be part of the final assessment piece for Hatchet. We will be doing some other in-class activities next week to complete the assessment. I think the students have really enjoyed reading this book together!

Language Arts: This week, students will construct 4-square descriptive paragraphs. We focus on the trait of “sentence fluency” while students add variety to the length and beginnings of their sentences. Students learn about compound subjects and predicates and learn to combine sentences using conjunctions.

Students will take a test on subjects, predicates and sentences on Friday, December 14th. There will be a writing promp on the test, as well. I encourage students to save all corrected homework assignments that are being returned in the boomerang today, because they will be great tools for studying and preparing for the test.

Have a great week!

Ms. Semandiris