January 31,2019

January 31, 2019


Dear Fifth Grade Parents,


Tomorrow will be an exciting day! We will have the Spirit Assembly in the morning and the Volleyball Game (8th Grade vs. Teachers) in the afternoon! 5A students are invited to wear Blue & White, for the colors of the Greek flag. Students will also be invited to bring in a sheet from home. We will be wearing them over our clothes as TOGAS for the Spirit Assembly!!




  • February 2/4 – Mid-Trimester Reports sent home.



The Chapter 15 Test is on Wednesday 2/5. We will begin Chapter 16, Gathered for Mass next week as well. Students will learn about the meaning of the Mass how important it is to go to Mass each Sunday.




2/4 Check My Progress Quiz Ch. 6 L.1-5

2/5 L. 6 Multiply Decimals by Powers of Ten

2/6 L. 7 Problem Solving – Look for a Pattern

2/7 L. 8 Multiplication Properties

2/8 L. Estimate Quotients



Mr. Schreck

Chapter 7, Expressions & Patterns

Friday: Lesson 6, Patterns

Monday: Lesson 8, Ordered Pairs

Tuesday: Lesson 9, Graph Patterns

Wednesday: Ch. 7 Review

Thursday: Test, Ch. 7


Hello Math Families –

As I am new to Holy Rosary, I was unaware of the impact that Catholic Schools Week had on our schedule therefore my last update was inaccurate! Catholic Schools Week was a great success and tons of fun but this week we dive back into math. We will begin Ch. 2, Fractions, Decimals and Percents in our Unit Study of Ratios and Proportional Relationships.  We will start the week studying the relationship of fractions and decimals and rewriting them, then move to rewriting percents as fractions and vice versa before finishing the week with percents and decimals.


Social Studies

We will begin Chapter 8, Facing Slavery. In this chapter students will learn about the Slave Trade from the West African perspective. In a series of real-life scenarios, students will discuss in small groups what they would do if faced with these dilemmas.


Language Arts

I am very proud of all the 5th grade participants in our 5-8 Spelling Bee! As we enter into the first week of February we will begin Lesson 11. There will be a spelling quiz for these words (no challenge words) on Friday February 8th.



Students did a fantastic job on their inventions. I saw many creative ideas and products! Students will take an Ecology quiz on lessons 1 & 2 in their textbooks next Tuesday. They have completed two study guides in class to help them prepare. Next, students begin lesson 3 in Ecology: How energy moves through an ecosystem. Students will discover what food chains, food webs and energy pyramids show about energy flow in an ecosystem.