February 23, 2017


February 23, 2017


Dear Fifth Grade Parents,


I hope you have a wonderful winter break! We are back in the swing of things here in 5A!


Message from the Principal:


A couple of mid-year reminders:


1)  The weather is starting to warm, so it’s a good time for a few uniform reminders….


*  Skirts, skorts, jumpers, and shorts must be no shorter than 3″ above the kneecap.  We’ve been noticing some shorter skirts, shorts, skorts and jumpers- please check and make sure your child’s uniform is in compliance, particularly if they have grown over the winter!


*  Socks and tights- must be predominantly one color (red, white, navy, or black) and no leggings!  On the days the weather was freezing this winter, we made a few exceptions about leggings. But now that the weather is warming, no leggings, please.


*  On perfect uniform days (next perfect uniform day is Friday, February 24th)- please make sure students wear a white shirt with a red sweater, sweatshirt, or vest.


2)  Please help us all stay healthy!


There have been many sick kids and teachers this winter.  Please help us all stay healthy.  If your child has had a fever, they must be fever-free for 24 hours to return to school.  Thank you!!



2/24 – Perfect Uniform – Mass at 2pm

3/1 – Ash Wednesday Mass – 8:45am

3/3 – Last day to turn in late/missing work or make-up tests etc. for 2nd Trimester.



We are currently studying the Liturgy of the Word in Chapter 17. The test for this Chapter is on Monday 2/24.



2/24 – Check My Progress Assignment

2/27 – Check My Progress Quiz Ch. 7 Lessons 1-3

2/28 – Ch. 7 L. 6 Patterns

3/1 – Ch. 7 L. 8 Ordered Pairs

3/2 – Ch. 7 L. 9 Graph Patterns


Students are learning how materials that cycle through an ecosystem stays the same. We are breathing the same air the dinosaurs did over 65 million years ago! Students will take a quiz on lessons 3 & 4 in their texts next Wednesday, March 1st.



5th graders are enjoying Book Clubs. Group activities consist of discussions around story elements, a written response to the literature and daily oral reading practice.


Language Arts

This week we worked on wrapping up last week’s spelling and grammar and then spent time as a whole class reviewing a variety of grammar concepts. Students learned the formatting for a letter and began working on a friendly letter focusing on an accomplishment they are proud of.



We are currently working on Chapter 9, Colonial Williamsburg. We will be experiencing this town by turning our classroom into 6 popular locations in Colonial Williamsburg.