December 19, 2019

Dear Parents,

I hope you all have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Enjoy the time with your family and friends.


Service Project

Thank you so much for all the donations to the Holy Rosary Advent Tree Service! We collected over $200.00!!!




1/6 – Ch. 5 L. 5 Hands On: Using Decimals

1/7 – Ch. 5 L. 6 Add Decimals

1/8 – Ch. 5 L. 7 Addition Properties

1/9 – Check My Progress Quiz

1/10 – Ch. 5 L. 9 Hands On: Subtract Decimals Using Models



Mr. Schreck

Chapter 6, Multiply & Divide Decimals

Monday: Lesson 5, Multiply Decimals

Tuesday: Quiz, Lessons 1,3 & 5

Wednesday: Lesson 6, Multiply Decimals by Powers of 10

Thursday: Lesson 8, Multiplication Properties


Mrs. H
We will begin our sixth grade curriculum in the new year.  The students will receive the first volume of the sixth grade book.  Homework will now come from that book instead of the worksheets.  I encourage kids to do some ALEKS over break to keep their skills fresh.  Have a great holiday!



Students will look at microbes (volvox, blepharisma, and vinegar eels) under their microscopes. They will take notes on the characteristics of each for a quiz Jan. 17th.



When we return from Christmas Break, we will have our Lesson 7 Spelling Quiz on Friday, January 10th. No homework is assigned over the break, enjoy time with family and friends. Merry Christmas!



5th graders have thoroughly enjoyed fine-tuning their oral reading fluency skills by participating in Readers’ Theater. After the break, we will begin reading Number the Stars, a historical fiction novel by Lois Lowry. It is about the escape of a Jewish family from Copenhagen, Denmark, during World War II. Students will be participating in Literature Circles during this unit, taking turns leading their group.  Much of the reading is expected to be completed at home.


Social Studies

After the break we will begin Chapter 7, Comparing the Colonies. In this chapter we will learn about the New England, Middle and Southern Colonies and learn about their similarities and differences. Students will be placed in small groups to make a billboard to advertise the colony to new settlers from England. They will present a short presentation.