September 29, 2016

September 29, 2016


Dear Fifth Grade Parents,

I hope you are all doing well! We are very busy in 5A. The following is a curriculum update for the week of October 3-7, 2016.



The Chapter 1 Test will be on Monday 10/3. Next we will move on to Ch. 2, Worshiping God. We will be learning about how Chico Mendes and the Rain Forest. Chico lived in Brazil as a rubber tapper and he fought to protect the environment because he cared for God’s creation.



***Please practice your multiplication facts every night!!! This is the October challenge!!!

10/3 – Ch. 2 L, 9 Multiplying by One-Digit Numbers

10/4 – Ch. 2 L. 10 Multiplying by Two-Digit Numbers

10/5 – Ch. 2 Fluency Practice

10/6 – Ch. 2 Fluency Practice &Chapter Review

10/10 – Chapter Review & Practice



Social Studies

This week we began Chapter 4, Why Europeans left for the New World. In this lesson, students learn about European Exploration in the 15th and 16th Centuries by “excavating” and examining objects from “sunken ship”. In a Social Studies skill builder, pairs take on the role of underwater archeologists to investigate eight placards, each of which contains an image of an artifact from an explorer’s sunken ship. After analyzing and reading about the artifacts, students will categorize them into 3 different categories: as motives for exploration, as new technology that encouraged exploration, or as “new” products from the Americas. * Students may bring in their swim goggles for our deep-sea diving adventure!


Language Arts

This week in Language Arts students’ spelling focused on the long and the long sounds. In grammar students learned about complete subjects and complete predicates as well as compound sentences. Students continued to work on narrative writing this week and we focused specifically on writing a descriptive paragraph of a setting. Students learned about sensory details and worked on bringing their setting to life through their descriptions.



Students will learn how an oil spill might affect an ecosystem. They will use a controlled experiment to examine different materials and methods used to clean oil spills. They will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each.



As we continue reading Hatchet, we will focus our attention on how the setting and plot help to shape the themes found in this story.