June 7, 2018

June 7, 2018


Dear Fifth Grade Parents,


We made it to the end of the year! This is the last Boomerang letter. Thank you so much for such a great year. Have a great summer! Ms. Semandiris




6/14 – Noon Dismissal – Free Dress for classroom clean up!

6/15 – Dismissal after Mass (ETA – 10am) Dress Sunday Best!!!! Last Day of School!!!!


Update for the week of June 11 – 15th!


Family Life

Students will wrap up their study of Family Life with a lesson on the male and female reproductive systems.




Ch. 12 Geometry

6/8 – Ch. 12, Lesson 5 Classify Quadrilaterals

6/11 -Ch. 7, Lesson 7 Three Dimensional Figures

6/12 – Math Game from Geometry Chapter!!!!




Friday: Lesson 2, Hands On-Sides and Angels of Triangles

Monday: Lesson 7, Three-Dimensional Figures

Tuesday: Lesson 9, Volume of Prisms




The students were able to complete the 3D geometry unit by finding the volume and surface area of different prisms and pyramids.  Next week, we will finish out this unit by doing a small in-class review assessment.  Our final class will be on Wednesday.  I am proud of the kids’ progress through the 5th and 6th grade curriculum this year.  I encourage the students to find a math learning website/app/workbook this summer to keep their skills fresh and help them feel prepared as we begin pre-algebra next year.  Happy learning!


Social Studies

Next week in Social Studies, 5A will be continuing on with Ch. 14 The Constitution. We will be playing a “Powers Game” in which small groups will be faced with “scenarios” which affect our country. After reading the scenarios each small group will discuss and decide what can the government do to help in this situation. They will be looking at the Legislative powers, the judicial powers and the Executive powers to solve the problem.


Language Arts

During our last full week of Language Arts, 5th graders completed a final grammar assessment for unit 6. This was a nice way to wrap up all that they have been working on in their Reader’s Notebooks. Students have also been working on an end-of-the-year memory wheel. I have asked students to think of eight of their favorite 5th grade memories to include on a wheel where they have been drawing pictures to coincide with their memories. It is a great way to wrap up the year and it has been so fun to see what they include!




The 5th graders have been enjoying the story ‘Dangerous Crossings’, a historical fiction selection that takes place during the Revolutionary War. We’ve also been tying up loose ends, trying to make sure that all missing assignments have been completed and turned in. Please keep an eye out for any 5th grade novels that may still be in your home or in backpacks: Hatchet, Number the Stars, Frindle, Hound Dog True or any of the book club novels. Thank you!!



Students will use a technical drawing to build a vehicle that has a twisted rubber band attached to a propeller. Students will observe the motion of their vehicles and share how they got their vehicles to move.


They will compare how their vehicles moved differently from the rubber band powered vehicles they previously built.