May 14, 2015


May 14, 2015


Dear Fifth Grade Parents,


On Friday, we will be sending home Mid-Trimester Reports for those currently earning a C- or below in any subject. I would like to also ask all of you to check Powerschool to see your child’s grades during this Mid-Trimester time.




Students will take the Ch. 9 New Life Test on Wednesday 2/20. Study Guides will also be due the same day.



Monday – Review Packet Ch. 9 Lesson 1- 12

Tuesday – Ch. 9 L. 13 Subtract with Renaming

Wednesday – Ch. 9 Practice Review Reflect

Thursday – Ch. 9 Test

Friday – no math


Social Studies

Students are currently working on Chapter 12, The Declaration of Independence. Today students acted out the first five excerpts of the Declaration of Independence. Students have completed the Interactive Reading notes for this chapter. I gave all the correct answers to the students in class and they were instructed to correct any mistakes they made in their interactive notebooks. Students should be practicing the online test. The Chapter test is Monday 5/18.



Students continue to experiment with rubber band powered vehicles. They will design and build a vehicle with a sail to test the effects of air resistance on a vehicle’s motion.

Family Life:

Students are beginning the Family Life Program. In Lesson 2 of the Family Life text, students will explore how moods within the family affect each family member. Students will learn how to respect themselves and others whatever their moods.


Language Arts

This week in spelling students focused on the specific spelling of three final sounds. In grammar students learned about past, present, and future perfect tense verbs. In writing students focused on writing a response to literature. They learned about writing an opinion as well as logical reasons to support their opinion of the piece.




This week, 5th graders have been reading historical fiction and informational text on the Ojibwe Indian Tribe. They have combined information gleaned from these sources with research on an online site for kids about this tribe, to create informational posters. They are working on the skill of comparing different sources to gather information.