March 13,2014

March 13, 2014

Dear Fifth Grade Parents,

Thank you so much for attending the Camp Meeting last night. Please have the permission slip and medical forms in by April 18th.  The Second Trimester ended on 3/12. Students have until Thursday 3/20 to turn in any missing/late work for my classes.


 3/17 – Fifth Grade will be leading Mass on Monday! 8:45am (St. Patrick’s Day!)

3/17 – Wear Green!!! No Face Paint!


3/13 – Ch. 8, Lesson 1, Fractions and division

3/14 – Ch. 8, Lesson 2, Greatest Common Factor

3/17 – No Math

3/18 – Ch. 8 Lesson 3, Simplest Form

3/19 – Ch. 8 , Lesson 4, Problem–Solving/Investigation

3/20 – Check My Progress Lessons 1-4


We are currently working in Chapter 18, The Liturgy of the Eucharist. Please have students bring in magazines on Monday 3/17 for the Dream Meal Collage. They can also cut out pictures ahead of time and bring them in.  This is an assignment for Monday. The final draft of the Dream Meal written part is due Monday. Please have our child review the rubric as well.


We have been progressing well in the “Steps to Respect”- Anti-Bullying Curriculum. This week we finished Lesson 4 and we had the opportunity to recognize bullying vs conflict by reviewing various scenarios.

 Social Studies

The fifth graders began Chapter 9, Life in Williamsburg this week. Students will be learning about daily life for colonists by visiting several stations that represents locations in Williamsburg. The students usually love this Chapter and enjoy the hands on activities at each station! The test for this chapter will be on March 27th.  We are also reviewing the 50 States and we will have a Map Test on May 2, 2014


The 5th Graders are reading and learning more about the Iditarod race, both in our Scott Foresman Reading text and in the computer lab. They’ve been able to read and learn some things about the history of the race as well as read about this year’s Iditarod.

Language Arts

Students have started a long unit on prefixes and suffixes. In this unit, students will identify what each prefix and suffix means, along with applying prefixes and suffixes to root words. This unit will continue up to the start of ITBS testing, March 31st. During ITBS testing students will have light homework in Language Arts.


Students will have a test on prefixes and suffixes at the end of the unit. The date of the test has not been determined yet due to the timing of ITBS testing. 





Students will discover what makes producers important in an ecosystem. They will also learn how consumers get their energy.

Students will take a quiz on lesson 1 & 2 Wednesday (3/26).