October 25, 2018

Dear Fifth Grade Parents,


We are very busy in 5A! Tomorrow we will be sending home the Mid-Trimester Reports. Please remember to sign and return the envelope to school by Monday 10/29.





10/31 – Halloween Party 1:30pm – 2:05pm – (Dress in Black and Orange Day)

11/1 – Mass 8:30am Perfect Uniform!



Curriculum for the week of 10/29 – 11/2:



Our Chapter 2 test is on 10/30. I suggest studying the study guide and rereading the chapter several times. STR (Steps to Respect) – This week our lesson was Lesson 1, Empathy and respect. Next week we will be doing lesson 2, Listening with Attention.



Chapter 3 Divide by a One-Digit Divisor

10/29 – L. 6 Estimate Quotients

10/30 – L. 8 Divide Three-and Four-Digit Dividends

10/31 – L. Check My Progress Quiz & L. 9 Place the first Digit. (We will have two math classes this day.)

11/1 – MASS – NO MATH

11/2 – L. 10, Quotients with Zeros



Mr. Schreck

Chapter 3, Divide by a One-Digit Divisor

Friday: No Math-Living Rosary

Monday: Lesson 13, Problem Solving: Extra or Missing Information

Tuesday: Chapter 3 Review

Wednesday: Chapter 3 Test/ALEKS

Thursday: No math-All Saints Day Mass



Mrs. Heuer

Next week we will be finishing out our third 5th grade unit: adding and subtracting fractions.  The students have been working with like and unlike fractions, mixed numbers, reducing their answers, and applying the skills to problem solving.  We will have a unit test after two days of review.  Our next unit will be multiplying and dividing fractions and mixed numbers.



Students will learn how scientists classify all living things into five groups called kingdoms: Moneran, Protist, Fungus, Plant, and Animal. Students will then discover how scientists divide the organisms in a kingdom into smaller groups (genus and species).


Social Studies

We have begun Chapter 5, Routes of Explorations to the New World. Students have been placed in pairs and assigned an explorer. Students will use this information they gather in the text about the explorer to complete a Matrix with information of the 8 explorers. Students will also be completing the Interactive Reading Notes for the chapter about each of the explorers. Looking ahead the test for this chapter will be on 11/9. A study guide will be given one week prior to the test.



Students have now completed their narrative essays, they will be graded and returned for corrections early next week. We will have our Lesson 5 Spelling Quiz tomorrow October 26th, however, will NOT have Lesson 6 next week. Our focus next week will go back to grammar, how to correctly create a plural word. Students should expect a brief quiz on the grammar we cover through out next week on Friday.



Students are expected to complete 60 minutes of typing practice each week on the Typing.com website.  The students weekly grade will run Thursday through the following Wednesday.  Students have pasted their login information into their planner and should refer to it if they forget how to log in. Some students chose to change their password and will be responsible for writing that down in their planner for reference.  Games on the website do not count for typing time and students should stick to the lessons for credit.  Each student was provided a keyboard cover to use at home and school to make sure they are practicing typing using the home row keys without looking.  It’s important that students do not practice without their cover because there will be timed tests in class periodically and they will be graded on their proficiency using that cover.  Students will be given time in Lib Tech to complete some of their typing practice time and may use their chrome books in their classes when free work time arises.