November 3, 2011

November 3, 2011

Dear Fifth Grade Parents,

I would like to thank all of you for attending conferences last week.  I am very excited about all of the goals that the students have made for this year. They have already grown academically since the beginning of the year.

We would also like to thank our wonderful room parent Mrs. Parent for organizing such a fantastic Halloween Party. Thanks to all the parents who helped as well. The students had such a wonderful time!


The following is a curriculum update for the week of 11/7-11/10.


11/11: Veteran’s Day – No School


11/7 Lesson 51 Pairs of Lines

11/8 Lesson 32 Angles/Polygons

11/9 Lesson 33, Rounding Numbers Using a Number Line

11/10, Lesoon 34, Division with Zeros in the Quotient


Students will discover how water resources can be protected. They will build a model showing how pollution can spread into underground water. Students will also discuss how land resources are used and can be protected. Next they will learn the sources and effects of air pollution, and how air quality can be protected. Students will take a test on Chapter 3 Wednesday, November 16th.


Social Studies

On Friday 11/4 we will take the Chapter 3 test. Next week we will begin Ch. 4, Why Europeans Left for the New World in the 15th & 16th Centuries.  Students will be exploring a sunken ship and record and analyze the various artifacts found in the ship.  These artifacts will be placed in three categories, new world products, motive for exploration and new technology that encouraged exploration.  Next Thursday we will be learning about Veteran’s Day in class.



Next week students will use class time to work on Book Reports. Students should come prepared each day with the necessary materials: book, colored pencils, rubric, paper, scissors, glue sticks etc. All word processing should be completed at home. Please encourage your child to use this time well. Book Report Projects are due on Nov. 17th.


This week students have been learning about Possessive Nouns. Students will have a test on singular and plural possessive nouns in the next few days. After learning about possessive nouns, students will learn more about one of the aspects of The 6 Traits of Writing, Sentence Fluency. In the weeks to come, students will be writing descriptive essays about Thanksgiving.  The essays will be due the week students return from Thanksgiving break.

Have a great Week!

Ms. Semandiris