April 13, 2017

April 13, 2017


Dear Fifth Grade Parents!


Thank you so much for all the donations to our sock drive. It was a great success!


I hope you all have a wonderful Easter!




4/14 – Good Friday – Silent Noon Dismissal after the Stations of the Cross. (Perfect Uniform)


Week of April 24 – 28, 2017:



We will begin Ch. 9 New Life after Spring Break! Students will be taking the ACRE (Assessment of Children/Youth Religious Education) from the Archdiocese. This is the first year the test is being administered. All 5th graders and 8th graders will be taking this test. (It is an initial assessment of what our students have learned in Religion class from K-5th grade.) They will take it this week during lib/tech class.



4/24 – Ch. 9 L, 10, Hands On Use Models to Add Mixed Numbers

4/25 – Ch. 9 , L, 11, Add Mixed Numbers

4/26 – Ch. 9, L. 12, Subtract Mixed Numbers

4/27 – Ch. 9, L. 13, Subtract with Renaming

4/28 – Chapter Review

5/1 – Review Test

5/2- Chapter 9 Test





Social Studies

We are beginning Chapter 11, To Declare Independence or Not. In this Chapter we will be having a debate between the Patriots and Loyalist. Students will be working in groups to plan this event!



Students will build vehicles using K’nex pieces. They will focus on force and motion by conducting experiments to determine how applying a force to an object changes the motion of the object.



This week 5th graders practiced identifying and utilizing text and graphic features to better understand informational text. We also touched on the use of adages to pass along advice. ‘Many hands make light work’ is one of my all-time favorites!


Language Arts

This week in language arts we wrapped up our biography-writing unit. Students peer-reviewed each other’s papers and worked on making final edits to their own drafts. Students then learned how to type a bibliography in MLA format and listed all of their sources. We ended the week by reviewing characteristics of well-built sentences and applying these concepts to current writing pieces.